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(Charles) Darwin

Charles Darwin (1809-1822)

gives distinction to the theory of evolution. His idea was that the change of varieties and the origin gets realized by natural selection: only the fittest will survive because of struggling for life. His work influences biology and geology not only in the past. Even today the term "Darwinism" is used to explain how evolution works.

The naturalist Charles Robert Darwin was born at February the 12th 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. He was born into a 'science family' as the fourth of six children. His father, Dr. R.W. Darwin has been a medical doctor and his grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin has been a renowned botanist. After Darwin's eighth birthday, Darwin had to live without his mother Susanna because she died then. Nevertheless, Darwin grew up in a prosperous family and enjoyed some privileges. Even as a child, Darwin loved it to explore nature.

This is the father of Darwin


October 1825, when Darwin was 16 years old, he enrolled at the university of Edinburgh to study there together with his brother Erasmus. Two years later, Darwin became a student of the Christ's College in Cambridge. His father were hoping that the young Darwin will step one day in his footprints in becoming a doctor bur Charles was not able to see blood. Charles Darwin also refused also the second idea of his father to become a pastor but Darwin decided to start studying natural history.

The botanic professor John Steven Henslow became Darwin's mentor at the Christ's College. After his Bachelor degree in 1838, Darwin got recommended by his mentor for a naturalist's position abroad: The HMS Beagle. The ship of the captain who has been Robert Fitzroy planned a circumnavigation (of the globe) which should take five years. This experience would be a great challenge to road-test the prospective naturalist. On the 27th of December 1831 the ship started his trip with Darwin on board. Meanwhile this excursion, Charles Darwin collected some fossils, plants and birds. His experiments there, gave him the unique possibility to do detailed research on the botanic, the geography and the zoology. Especially the galapagos and the pacific island caught the most of Darwin's interest.

After his trip, when they arrived back in England (1836), Darwin wrote down all his discoveries for the "Journal of Researches" which published his discoveries. Later, the Captain's narratives and Darwin's writings were published in the zoology of the beagle. This experience had a great impact on Charles' view concerning the natural history. He began to create a new revolutionary theory about the origin of living beings that has been very differently comparing to the other theories existing at (t)his time.

Darwin's exposure opened a lot of important questions spread all of the world. Some other naturalists believed that all of the species were created as they are or they were created as new species during the process of natural science. In both cases, one was sure that the species were constant and unchangeable anyway. Darwin has observed a lot of different species when he was on his trip round the world and he has figured out that these species have an common origin, they were just changing because of their habitat. But compared with the majority, Darwin was the first one who recocognised that all the species have the same origin. Darwin calls this discovery "natural selection". Additionally, this is the reason why the species are still alive: because the adapted perfectly to their changing environment. The other one's who died, they were not adapted very well... This process is called "struggle for life" and in the end "survival of the fittest".

In 1858, Darwin prepared his theory in a letter which was read at a meeting in front of the linnean society. One year later, the 24th of December 1859, Darwin published a detailed explanation of his theory which his known as his most popular work: "On the origin of the species by means of natural selection".

Charles Darwin dies in London, in the house of his family (down house) on the 19th of April 1882.

Due to some studies with the DNA, Darwin's theory got confirmed a few centuries after his death. Although there are some discrepancies with the creationism until today because the churches adopt a different attitude: For them is god the creator of all the species and the natural selection does not exist.

Berühmte Chemiker

Pierre Curie (1859 - 1906) You don't need to be a scientist to know who Maria Curie-Sklodowska was. You can also read about her on our website. As the only one woman in the world, she gained the Nobel Prize in two different fields of knowledge. She shared one of them with her no less famous husband, Pierre Curie. Her devotion to science made a huge impression on him.


Jospeh John Thomson ( 1856 - 1940 ) A person who did many researches on cathode rays that, finally, led to the discovery of the electrons. Moreover, he was interested in the atomic structure and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1906.


André-Marie Ampère (1775 – 1836)

The flow of electric charge is named electric current. Maybe you heard something about electric current and in addition to this about the measure ampere (A) in your every day life, too. But do you know or asked yourself after what this measure is named? If not, here is the answer: after the founder of electrodynamics- after André-Marie Ampère.



Johannes Gutenberg ( c. 1395 - 1468 ) How many newspapers, magazines and posters have you seen or read today? Many. But have you ever thought about the inventor who changed our life with the printing press? It was Johannes Gutenberg in 1440 with his printing press and movable blocks of letters and graphics that made materials available for the whole population.


Marie Curie (1867-1934)

discovered the beta activity which was used in the Second World War to help injured soldiers. Because of this and some other cognition she won the Nobel price twice, in chemistry and physics; but that is only an extract of the achievements Marie Curie reached in her life.


Isaac Newton ( 1643 – 1727 )

was an English Physicist and Mathematician. He is one of the most important characters of the 17th century because he developed principles of modern physics, as the law of motion. He is the person who has a great influence for our understanding of optics and motion today.


Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Einstein's career began as a teacher for mathematics and physics while he was expanding the idea of Max Planck's quantum theory by adding the hypothesis of the light quantum. Einstein's discoveries were revolutionary even for today's physics: it develops a new understanding of the ration between space and time, and also of the force of gravity. Of course, he won a Nobel prize for his discoveries.


Max Planck (1858-1947)

He had a big influence on the foundation of the basics in physics. A lot of his discoveries are named by his surname, like for example: the "Plancksche medal", the "Plancksche action quantum" or the "Plancksche radiation law".  In 1918 Planck lent with the Nobel prize because he has established the quantum theory which succeeded 20 years later the break through with the help of Einstein and Niels Bohr.



Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger (1887- 1961)

After studying mathematics and physics in Vienna, Schrödinger became a professor for theoretical physics like Einstein and Max von Laue before him. Later he enunciates the "Schrödinger- equation" which builds the foundation of the quantum mechanics. In addition, he embosses the development of the molecular biology. With a lot of great chances to teach in different universities, Schrödinger also got awarded with a Nobel Prize in physics.


Berühmte Biologen

Werner Arber (*1929)

is a famous microbiologist and geneticist. In 1978, he won the Nobel price in medicines and physiology. He did many researches on the bacterial restrictions’ systems and movable genetic elements, the modification and restriction of the ribonucleic acid.


Francois Jacob ( 1920 - 2013 ) On 17 of June 1920, in Nancy, the city in the east of French, was born
François Jacob, the only child of Simon and Thérèse Jacob.
His father was a merchant, but an equally important role in the development of young Francois, played his grandfather -  Albert Franck, a four-star general.


Rosalind Franklin (1920 – 1958)

discovered the structure of the DNA and the Tobacco Mosaic Virus with X-ray crystallography.
She is a biologist who took part in several explorations. Usually, she used to get a Nobel Prize but she died before.


Robert Koch ( 1843 – 1910 )

is a very important character for our health today. He is the one who studied the bacteria that caused tuberculosis, anthax and cholrea, each of them an illness in the 18th century. Because of this extraordinary studies he won the nobel prize twice in 1905, in physiology and medicine and started to help people all over the world with his knowledge.


Aristotle (384-322v.C.)

belongs to one of the most famous and influential philosopher in history. A lot of disciplines and (technical) terms has been significant embossed or even founded by Aristotle. Some examples for disciplines are biology, ethics, logic and physics. Terms that he has a great influence on are for example substance, potency, theory and practice. Out of his ideas, the "Aristotelism" was built up.


Alexander Fleming ( 1881 - 1955 )
Sir Alexander Fleming was born on  August 6, 1881 in Ayrshire, Scotland. The scottish biologist and inventor  is widely regarded for his discovery of penicillin, a drug that is used to kill harmful bacteria.He studied medicine from 1901 at the St. Mary's Hospital Medical
School in Paddington.


Charles Darwin (1809-1822)

gives distinction to the theory of evolution. His idea was that the change of varieties and the origin gets realized by natural selection: only the fittest will survive because of struggling for life. His work influences biology and geology not only in the past. Even today the term "Darwinism" is used to explain how evolution works.


Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)
discovered in 1865 that there exists a certain numerical ratio which is called: Mendel's Laws of Heredity. This laws become the basic of genetics in science since today. With the help of Mendel's laws nearly everybody is able to anticipate the genetic recombination of allele pairs in sexual reproduction. The three laws are Laws of Inheritance, the law of the uniformity of hybrids, the law of segregation and the law of independent assortment.


Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

he was a french chemist and microbiologist. He is classified as a founder of the modern bacteriology. He has examined the germ of hydrophobia and anthrax. After this discovery, he invented active immunisations against hydrophobia, anthrax, red murrain and chicken cholera. The term "pasteurization" is caused by Louis Pasteur. This means the method of carefully heating liquids up to 60 or 80 degrees with the effect that they become longer lasting.


Theodor Schwann (1810-1822) and Matthias Schleiden (1804-1881)

both of them have made their own discoveries and achievements but together they have made one very important discovery (1839): "The Theory of Cells". This theory badges the cell as a basically particle of plants and animals. Schwann and Schleiden were able to recognize that some organism are unicellular, while others are multicellular. Additionally, they found out that the cell nucleus and the membrane belong to the properties of the cell, occupied by comparisons of different plant and animal tissues.


Berühmte Chemiker

Gertrude B. Elion (1918-1999)

Gertrude B. Elion was born to immigrant parents in New York city. Her father came from Lithuania and her mother from Russia. She spent her early years in Manhattan where her father had a dental practice. When her brother was born they moved to Bronx.


Louis Lumière (1864-1948)

Nobody of us can imagine the world without movies, cinemas and actors. It is unbelievable especially for people who are living in XX century. But you have to know that it was not always like this. The possibility to go to the cinema and watch a new movie gave us Louis Lumière and his brother Auguste.


Carl Bosch ( 1874 - 1940)


Carl Bosch, born in Cologne, Germany, was a prominent German industrial chemist and entrepreneur.


John Dalton (1766- 1844)

He is a famous English naturalist and teacher. He is considered as an innovator of chemistry because of his fundamental researches. Here are some examples of his successful research: the studies about thermal expansion, formulates the "Dalton- law", preparatory work of the periodic system of elements and he discovered the "Daltonism" which means acritochromacy.

Antoine Laurant de Lavoisier (1743-1794)
In 1772 he discovered the three conditions of matters: solid, liquid and gassy which he published in "Opuscule physique et chemique" (franc., small discourse of chemistry and physics). Additionally, he gave oxygen (acid-creator) his name because he discovered while some experiments that water and air are compound substances. Meanwhile the French Revolution, Lavoisier helped in introducing the "metric system" which unifies all of units.


Dimitri Mendelejew (1834- 1907)

has succeeded to tabulate the periodic system (short: PSE= periodic system of elements) which contains every chemical element. He started the system to impose beginning with the smallest to the biggest element. When there were any properties in common, he put them into groups and in the periodic system he arranged them among themselves. In the end, Mendelejew illustrated a context between atomic weight and chemical characteristics. The element 101 "Mendelevium" was called by Mendelejew.


Alfred Nobel (1833- 1896)

affected by his father and his engineering works, Nobel's career begins with some smaller inventions (gas -and liquid measuring instrument, barometer or manometer) which he also patented. In May 1862, Nobel ran the first successful underwater demolition with nitroglycerin. Two years later, he invented the detonation which he has called "Nobel's patent detonator". His idea of quality manufacturing was not safe to operate because a dynamite factory exploded -and even Nobel's little brother died. But Nobel did not surrender, he went on in improving the detonations.

Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937)

since 1931 was an atomic physicist. Until he was awarded with the Nobel price in 1908, Rutherford made some discoveries of highest priority for chemists. One example could be the half life before he has been honored because of his studies about the decay of elements and the chemical composition of radioactive elements. In the year 1911, Rutherford refutes the atomic model of Joseph J. Thomson and originates the "Rutherfordium atomic model". Additionally, the first artificial nuclear reaction was also succeeded by Rutherford.