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(Gertrude) B. Elion

Gertrude B. Elion (1918-1999)

Gertrude B. Elion was born to immigrant parents in New York city. Her father came from Lithuania and her mother from Russia. She spent her early years in Manhattan where her father had a dental practice. When her brother was born they moved to Bronx.

She was a child with an insatiable thirst of knowledge. She finished high school and decided to major with science and chemistry. A great influence on her decision was the death of her grandfather, when she was 15. He died of cancer and Gertrude was motivated to do all she could to cure the disease. She graduated from Hunter College in 1937 and New York University (Master of Science) in 1941. And then she had difficulties finding an employment, because many laboratories refused to hire women chemists. By chance she found a job as a lab assistant. Even though she didn’t receive the salary, she decided to work and gain experience.
Later she had developed her skills in a major food company and laboratory Johnson and Johnson. In 1944 she was hired at Burroughs-Welcome where she started her cooperation with Dr. George H. Hitchings.
They were studying the chemical compositions of diseased cells to create medicines. This method wasn’t conventional but in the end they were able to design drugs that would block viral infections, for example Herpes and were able to combat Leukemia and AIDS. Elion and her team (Dr. Hitchings and Sir James Black) also discovered treatments for Malaria, Meningitis, for bacterial infections of the respiratory tracts and so on. Generally, she developed 45 patents in medicine. In 1988 she and her team won a Nobel prize for Medicine. She never obtained her Doctor degree but she was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Harvard University (1998) and honorary Ph. D. from Polytechnic University of New York (1989).

Gertrude Elion died in North Carolina in 1999, at the age of 81.

Berühmte Chemiker

Gertrude B. Elion (1918-1999)

Gertrude B. Elion was born to immigrant parents in New York city. Her father came from Lithuania and her mother from Russia. She spent her early years in Manhattan where her father had a dental practice. When her brother was born they moved to Bronx.


Louis Lumière (1864-1948)

Nobody of us can imagine the world without movies, cinemas and actors. It is unbelievable especially for people who are living in XX century. But you have to know that it was not always like this. The possibility to go to the cinema and watch a new movie gave us Louis Lumière and his brother Auguste.


Carl Bosch ( 1874 - 1940)


Carl Bosch, born in Cologne, Germany, was a prominent German industrial chemist and entrepreneur.


John Dalton (1766- 1844)

He is a famous English naturalist and teacher. He is considered as an innovator of chemistry because of his fundamental researches. Here are some examples of his successful research: the studies about thermal expansion, formulates the "Dalton- law", preparatory work of the periodic system of elements and he discovered the "Daltonism" which means acritochromacy.

Antoine Laurant de Lavoisier (1743-1794)
In 1772 he discovered the three conditions of matters: solid, liquid and gassy which he published in "Opuscule physique et chemique" (franc., small discourse of chemistry and physics). Additionally, he gave oxygen (acid-creator) his name because he discovered while some experiments that water and air are compound substances. Meanwhile the French Revolution, Lavoisier helped in introducing the "metric system" which unifies all of units.


Dimitri Mendelejew (1834- 1907)

has succeeded to tabulate the periodic system (short: PSE= periodic system of elements) which contains every chemical element. He started the system to impose beginning with the smallest to the biggest element. When there were any properties in common, he put them into groups and in the periodic system he arranged them among themselves. In the end, Mendelejew illustrated a context between atomic weight and chemical characteristics. The element 101 "Mendelevium" was called by Mendelejew.


Alfred Nobel (1833- 1896)

affected by his father and his engineering works, Nobel's career begins with some smaller inventions (gas -and liquid measuring instrument, barometer or manometer) which he also patented. In May 1862, Nobel ran the first successful underwater demolition with nitroglycerin. Two years later, he invented the detonation which he has called "Nobel's patent detonator". His idea of quality manufacturing was not safe to operate because a dynamite factory exploded -and even Nobel's little brother died. But Nobel did not surrender, he went on in improving the detonations.

Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937)

since 1931 was an atomic physicist. Until he was awarded with the Nobel price in 1908, Rutherford made some discoveries of highest priority for chemists. One example could be the half life before he has been honored because of his studies about the decay of elements and the chemical composition of radioactive elements. In the year 1911, Rutherford refutes the atomic model of Joseph J. Thomson and originates the "Rutherfordium atomic model". Additionally, the first artificial nuclear reaction was also succeeded by Rutherford.