
The DNA is very important for our genetics, for our heredity. Have you ever thought about it why you are not so different from your parents, have the same eye or hair color and maybe also the same character? It is because of the DNA.

DNA is a abbreviation and stands for “Deoxyribonucleic acid”.
The DNA is a machine to control the working of the cells. The language of the DNA consists of four letters. A = Adenine, T = Thymine, G= Guanine, C = Cytosine. These four letters are pairs, so A and T and G and C together and made of one of four types of nitrogen bases, a phosphate and sugar group. It is important that they are always together, as best friends. These four letters – A,T,G,C -  are the alphabet of our cells. And with this alphabet words can be formed ( condons ) and sentences ( genes ), always three letters. That tells

your cells what to do. Some cells are for the smelling, hearing and other cells are for seeing. Here is a example for a “sentence from our body”: [ATG CAG GGT TCG]
One example: If you have brown eyes [ATC GCT] directed you.

The structure of the DNA is the “double helix”. This means that the DNA has two strong strands. Between these strands are the “letters for our body”.  Interesting is that the DNA can copy itself and make copies. Interesting is the mutation of the DNA. Mutation is a fault in the DNA. It can be caused by the heredity if there is a problem during the cell division but also by the environment if the person, for example, got in contact with ultraviolet radiation caused by the sun. These mutations cause diseases and are mostly irreversible.