(Isaac) Newton

Isaac Newton ( 1643 – 1727 )

was an English Physicist and Mathematician. He is one of the most important characters of the 17th century because he developed principles of modern physics, as the law of motion. He is the person who has a great influence for our understanding of optics and motion today.

Isaac Newton was born on the 4th January 1643 in Whoolsthorpe, England. He was the first and last son of his family. Unfortunately, he had not the chance to get to know his father, Isaac Newton, because he died three months before his birth. His mother, Hannah Ayscough Newton, lived alone with Isaac up to 1646, and then she married Barnabas Smith who was a minister. She left Isaac with her husband and when Isaac was 12 she returned because of Smith’s death. At the age of thirteen he attended Grammar School in Grantham. School was the first time that he got in touch with chemicals. During this time he was in conflict with his mother because she wanted that little Isaac becomes a farmer. He improved his farmer skills and she understood that there’s no chance for him. So his mind was open for physics, mathematics and astronomy. In 1661 he went to Trinity College in Cambridge. He was elected to get financial support. Unfortunately, school had to close because of misery in 1665 and Newton decided to spent time in self-studies, invented the law of gravitation. In 1667 school restarted and in 1669 he got his title as a Master of Arts and became a professor at Cambridge.

One of Newton’s discovery was that white light existed of particles. The physician Hook questioned Newton’s discovery and said that white light existed   of waves. During the time Newton and Hook became rivals. When Hook invented a theory about planetary motion in 1679, Newton invented his own theory in 1680. The year 1687 was one of Newton’s most successful years. He published his book “Philosophiae, Natrualis, Principia Mathematica”. This book describes many theories of physics such as optic ( light ). Interesting is that he invented three laws about bodies that are in motion.

1) A stationary body is staying stationary since an external force has influence on it.
2) Force is equal to mass times acceleration and the change in motion is proportional to applied force.
3) Every action has a equal reaction.

With this three laws he had the chance to find out for example the mass of the planets.
During the time he became famous and got in touch with many intellectuals. There was also a group of young students from England developing that supported Newton. His influence on every generation grew.
In 1696 his life changed to a more political life because he took part in the government and in 1703 he became the president of the Royal society.

At the end of his life Newton lived with his niece Catherine Conduitt and her husband John Conduitt in Winchetser, England. In 1723 he had health problems and suddenly his life changed. He died on the 31st of March in 1727 at he age of 85.
